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1:12 AM
Friday, January 29, 2010

-= A Message to You =-

Okay, I know that you read my blog. And now, here is my message to you.

Firstly, I am not gonna waste my temper for this stupid little puny quarrel. So I will just put things straight.

1. Did you know that you are the one who was SUPPOSED to be the in-charge of the EP3 Trials?
2. Did you know that I am not SUPPOSED to be caring any of such stuff, so that I can start planning ahead for the rest of the year, for yiyun, and that I would have much a better schedule?
3. Did you know that you are part of the ExCo?
4. Or should I say, Did you know what are your RESPONSIBLITIES as an Activity Director?
5. You don't shirk responsiblity by pissing me off with your personal matters.
6. Fuck, we all have got personal problems, and you wouldn't want to hear mine in detail.
And if you want one, that is YOU. You are enough to spoil my week.
7. You don't act as if you are right when you are obviously in the wrong.
What's with the I am wrong, you are right attitude when you ain't done any SHIT at all.
As in, as an activity director, have you really done anything extensive that doesn't me and the rest to extensively add on?

Or, to be frank, at least just frigging host the trials which is such a no-brainer task?

8. Fine, complain about your MSG. Then let me ask you, if you knew you can't manage your ZAI stuff, then why did you piss the WHOLE EXCO off by joining it?

If you didn't know, there is like 1 whole faction of people masking their hatred for you. We just don't want to pick a fight with you.

9. Seriously, I have a limit.

10. Continue to amass haters for all you want, but what you have done as an ExCo

is not zero. What you did was, to play games at ExCo meeting, joking at wrong time, slacking at times when I am supposed to be the one slacking off planning for yiyun.

It is not that I despise or envious of you going Japan whatsoever, I don't give a damn.

But at least for the period you are here, be of some value. A positive one.

11. Or you can just fuck off and quit the ExCo.

12:31 AM
Sunday, January 17, 2010


First week of school was so-so, but was fun with all the random swearings from the guy behind me. Kelvin, me and Yong Xiang was pinching each other to keep each other awake in Biology lessons. Then we were getting annoyed with the guy behind me's random questions just because he didn't listen properly in class. I ponned Aphelion assembly since it was boring.
Monday would see a very long second row in the class. Because we would have Tiet Ho and Perry joining us lol. Free Mathematics and Science consultants.

EP3 was bullshit. Got backstabbed again by costumes. Seriously, he is one of the causes why I am so pissed off.

Well, at least it was fun at the end where we celebrated Xin Rui's birthday, one day late lol. ExCo eating food inside blackbox and burning candles inside, oops. The atmosphere wasn't there, but it was fun haha. Then we gave him a made-10-minutes-ago birthday card by me and contributed by others haha, and a present from me and CJ. Then went to Teochew Porridge for dinner. Cheap and nice, not that filling, but just nice for after rehearsals. Al-ameen for ice-cream prata LOL. As delicious as always.

Note: Sorry if you felt offended for not being invited to celebrate birthday with him, but what Long Jian (and what I felt too) was to only include minimal amount of people in it, and those closer ones. Well to be frank, we didn't mean for Marcus to be in it too.

Today was epic, I got fever and didn't come for meeting. Aparrently it was dog dung there too. And what, somebody smsed me that the action plan would be submitted late. But wtf, you have been late for 1 week and you request for an extension. Fine, you execute it alone. I am not gonna tank every piece of shit for you. Maybe for this event I have to help you tank, since Mr. Yang's gonna kill me if we got another retarded batch. But I will make sure not to interfere with the rest. (oh wait, there isn't any...) For the whole year as ExCo, your contribution has become 0. That is fact, not an assumption. Congratulations for getting to boast that you are an ExCo of an elite EP3 that is having fundamental problems because even the ExCo doesn't even know their jobs, yours especially. FYL.

I am too tired of bearing sometimes, bearing the imaginary knives, bearing blames for the rest, bearing the jobs of others. I have a limit. My limit may be sky high, but the pressure is now getting there. I bet my limit will be broken when I am in Victoria Theatre. Insane stupidity is now in Huagang. This year is for the exorcism of it. Screw those bastards.

At least for now are just rehearsals, and my only official job is to coordinate those rehearsals. Unofficial jobs include Trials, Costumes.

Ahh crap, now international event is downscaled. That sucks. I was looking forward to it.

Ahh this year I am gonna chiong for the ARE. OSA is a given for me already anyway. I now just need an A* Project, in which Perry and the gang has been facing injustice from false hopes given by judges without validly explaining their reasons. MSG-wise, if I am gonna pwn both Joshuas flat, I can't afford to get >1.2 so yeah. Need to focus more on studies.

English A2 sounds manageable. Physics A2 would be hard... The rest should be okay with ample study time. Especially since I am letting CJ and god-knows-who tank the useless rehearsals.


Most 1337 Ep3 Orientation in 4 years of my life here.
Productive EP3 where I managed to clear Props room of junk, finally.

To be accomplished:
Drawing properly, anatomy etc (omfg today I just stumbled onto an art style which is super hard and impossible for me to master)

Well nothing more, for EP3 that is.


Tomorrow I have to start work. Do Chemistry, settle Huagang stupid matters. And my script. Crap.


There's a helluva road out there paved for me. Time for me to walk on... Time for me to show off... Time for me to be angry... Time for me to do some actions... It's the last year for me to make any difference at all, so yeah let's rock for this last year.

The rain's the start,
The rainbow's the end.
What matters, is not me.
Nor it is you.
It is the memories we make along the way.
It is the fun we had along the way.
It is these things that fade... that become so precious to us.

One day, when we look back... we will smile at the blurry past.

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10:56 PM
Monday, January 11, 2010

-= First Day of School =-

Today was first day of school!!! I went there feeling retarded wearing Secondary 3 uniform. Bad start. Then Slau reminded me that I forgot my thermometer. Die. So during class, our form teacher, Justin Loh was like asking everyone show him our thermometers. Yuan Xin got pwned badly. When he came to my side, I took out a white pen from my pencil case. He walked past... And, even those beside me didn't know I never bring thermometer. EPIC. WTF. I just created a miracle.

Okay, after that was assembly, which our batch cheered when we saw the lower secondary assessment system. ACE and OP is converted to subjects which were calculated as another form of MSG. HAHAHA. Class tests 30% Exam 70%. DIE DIE DIE. Never mind, none of my business.

Then I slacked and got super bored at classroom, stoning with Yi Bin and Yong Xiang. Then everytime I going fall asleep Yong Xiang go shout my name. _|_ After that, we played cards. Then we realized there were country erasers behind the classroom. Guess what, we relived our childhood games, aka let your eraser be on top of others game. HAHA we had fun playing it.

Lunch was bullshit, wanted go Bishan eat some nice stuff or something, or at least subway @ BTP, then Yi Bin had to choose Golden Rooster. WTF. It caused me to be hungry afterwards. Then he kept singing the song and swearing Darryl Chua, keeping me and the 2 Joshuas amused.


Then, Greatest News of the Day: Cheng Jun feels Phyllis is somewhere near him, then he saw her. YAY. Okay just kidding, he was the only one out of the trio who didn't realize her. LOL.


Yay more people favourited my Voyage to the Moon! But sadly, I no time to continue my art pieces goddamit. I have 2 more concepts already that are pretty easy. Forget it, wait till March Holidays ahhh. Gogogo!


The onus of leadership seems too heavy for me. Because my passion doesn't lie in huagang at all. Not even an ounce of it. I only like the people there. I don't really care about what fly bars, doing quick change, acting whatsoever. But well, I am having fun here. So at least I shall try to make this more fun for the others.

Haha, Ting Jun seems to be okay with the rehearsals. Justin can't come on Saturdays only. Both expressed that they wanted act in Yiyun. Great.

Well, I understand like 99% + 1% of the people don't want Tan Kah Kee at all. I mean like all, the whole school. Hmm, let's see how we can use this opportunity to groom backstage people.

Great, time to sharpen my voice. Time to shout at some people. Time to bug some people. Time to sing a birthday song, or 2 as a matter of fact.

67 days left to the end of sparta. 50 days left before international event.


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1:39 AM
Friday, January 8, 2010

-= CCA Orientation =-

Okay, so I woke up with another fever rising. Then went to school, and saw that black box wasn't open. Luckily, the auntie appeared, she was actually cleaning something hahaha. Then we started practising etc.

Well, I totally screwed up the first group of people who came in, so for the second group of people I asked Long Jian to hype the atmosephere first. Then I continued talking. Effect was much better. So yeah, they were interested.

Then at halfway, the people came in to install the projector. YAY!!! But well, our light sticks setup were wasted. And that sucks. Ahh...

So we had to talk amidst the drilling sounds and etc...
Well and I was kinda pissed at some of my juniors' immature actions and I really almost blew off my top. Luckily, one shout was enough. Or else a fist won't stop me either.

Then, yeah, today was a success! Well, objectives were met. We got interested people to come our trials, so for the trials we would have to impress them. And I will have a proper interview.

Ahh, now it is late, tomorrow I shall blog about Joshua Ng and Yeo, my best mateys in S4! Becoz it's joshua ng's birthday 2 hours ago haha. Well, many thoughts eh... And I will blog a bit more on Huagang stuff too.


@Han Cheng
- Well, if I were me, I would have stayed as a normal member. Pia council, go reform the council, and just do my job in huagang. That was my original thought haha. Then things change. Well, life's like that. And yeah, experience is never bad. Memories are never everlasting.

@Long Jian
- Sometimes I get led by you too much that I forgot what I was originally thinking. Sometimes I get led by the stupidity of the ExCo that I forgot what I was harboring in my mind. Yeah, that's about it.

- Thanks for your words yeah!

Okay, go sleep. Tomorrow have 2 more posts to post.


1:19 AM
Wednesday, January 6, 2010

-= Roots of Me, another Me =-

Today, I was lost. I didn't want to remember. Remember what made me so... hypocritical.

Well, today I was talking to Ting Jun on MSN (the first time in our 3 years of friendship), it seems like we getting more distant from each other and I felt a bit awkward talking to him. Yeah, the fact that he didn't get into ExCo and I did distanced us, the fact that we were in the ExCo last year distanced us more. But yet, he is still the only one that reminds me of everything. Right from Secondary One, when we were in Black Box, looking at each other, and wondering that hey, isn't that guy from my class?

Well, he said he wanted to have fun this year, especially during Yiyun. Hey, fun... Since when did I lose sight of that in Chinese Drama... Since when... I took up another personality to be...well... what others expect of me... and since when... did I forget about myself when I am in huagang...

I mean like, what the fuck had I been doing for the past year? Seriously, I don't know. I was not myself. I was only myself in my own class, having fun, doing stuff my way. In EP3, I was another person solely created for the purpose of letting myself fall asleep, and be unaware of the fags.

Fun in Chinese Drama.. it's been so damn long since I had fun in one day of EP3. Not even in camp did I have fun... Not even in this year's huangcheng camp did I enjoy myself... Since when... did I shut myself from everybody once I am in black box?

I was thinking sometimes for quite long, what is wrong with me? And now, I realized... wtf was I doing when I was chosen to become chairman? You know, like for all I care, Ting Jun should have become the chairman, and I believe he would at least have done a better job than me for the past year. That's the truth damn it. I mean like, for the past year, I was living in another shadow, in the shadows of seniors, in the shadows of projected me, in the shadows of shien yang, in the shadows of long jian, in the shadows of myself. I was not living as myself, in Huagang at least. Even in council, I still was myself, pissing off people at times and helping my dear friends Hong Woon and Zhi Rong for a stupid Mid-Year-Review.

You know, I wasn't me.

What I am..

is someone who don't care about who screwing up
is someone who seriously don't fucking care about retarded traditions
is someone who doesn't give a shit about retarded people trampling on my feet
is someone who do care about having fun
is someone who do care about making a helluva impact
is someone who do care about being happy

Give me some time... a bit more...

and I will be the original me. The one who seeks attention, who seeks friends, who seeks to be fun and happy.

It's about time, that I awaken, and stop being the foolish persona of the year back then.

Let me claim back my rightful duty as the chairman.
Do what I should.

Blast the fuckers,
shut the noisy brats up.
Plan stuff my way
Execute it my way
And make sure the fireworks reach the world.

FOR GOODNESS' SAKE, IT's 2010, the last year of high school life.

It is a last year, to leave an impact.

If I pull through this year, with flying rainbows, I will be a legend.

Bring it on Tan Kah Kee, Chinese Arts Festival, 7th Asian Student Drama Performance, 艺韵.


11:40 PM
Sunday, January 3, 2010

-= 100 Dragons =-

Okay, so today I became a bit sickly for no reason. Probably because of lack of sleep from Saturday lol. Totally had no mood for doing anything -.-... Was supposed to do proposal or upload minutes or whatsoever. Then oh well, it was not my job to do this crap, so? Heck care is my answer.

Drats, timetable better be out soon so I can plan my time. And well, good luck and have fun to those having school tomorrow heh.

Rawr, yesterday, I discussed with John about the duration of the time taken to hunt 100 dragons in Mousehunt. Yes, mousehunt, the dumb facebook application. Well, basically I was lazy to do anything about the game anymore. So I decided to try to get 100 dragons in mousehunt before I do anything else.

According to Pooflinger, it will require 2000 inferno harvati. This also means 2000 seeds x each color and 2000 fire salt.

2000 red > 4000 crunchy at least >10000 SB+?
2000 blue > 4000 shells (maybe lesser) > 9000 gouda i think.
2000 yellow > 3000 gumbo > 5000++ gouda.
2000 fire salt > 4000 yellow > 6000 gumbo > 10000++ gouda.

The estimates are quite way off. But according to this, about 55k hunts are needed. Considering I average about 100 hunts per day... 550 days theortically. Of course, I bet it is shorter.. hopefully lol. So yeah, hope I don't chicken out halfway!!!

GOGOGO 100 DRAGONS! Lol nothing to do.


12:18 AM


Okay, so I promised I will leak on my creation of this blogskin haha.

So basically, I originally created an image to be used as a Christmas card for my close friends with the concept of a ship flying in the moon. So concept turned reality, I learned how to do a starfield from a tutorial (if you want to know where I learn my stuff, ask me personally), how to piak the moon map onto a sphere to make the moon and also basic photomanipulation to blend in the ship and wings and so on. Total work for the piece itself was 3 hours without the learning process. Actually less than that because I was bullshitting a lot.

So for that piece itself, this is the equation for that piece alone.

Text Color

+ my self made starfield and moon and clouds+ one sparkle brush + my skills :)

Now, for the coding. I basically used my old blog's code copied and pasted because I was lazy to change CSS and stuff. And then what I did was to edit the layouts etc... and I found out one more class of CSS which was to include background image in the div layers, and thus you see my headers are well quite cool :) Used the same brush and well made it look cool. In my opinion that is. I have always loved black and cyan colour scheme.

So that's my choice. And after minor edits, I went ahead and screwed up a crappy background by cloning the original starfield. Haiz, bad. Then I also photoshopped away the words above, which again distorted the star field. Now it looks UGH. But well, I like the result!

Please critique on my blogskin thanks, I will change it after I get bored of it. Next theme will be something on the sky and fantasy-related as always I guess.

:D:D:D I have submitted this to DA! Higher quality!! It is here haha!


1:06 AM
Saturday, January 2, 2010

Okay, I rushed through the resolutions yesterday and after looking at Han Cheng's blog, hmm, I shall now make a proper one :)

-= Design =-
Let's try doing 2 official pieces of art to be to DeviantArt every month. Meaning at the end of the year, I will have 24! Or I should join the 100-themed challenge :D That challenge motivates and inspires a lot for me to continue my endeavour in this domain.

Apophysis (3D hack or not), Photoshop, Terragen, the traditional paper, shallbe my tools of the trade. Let's see if I can be an accomplished DA person with well about 50 watchers at least x.x? Haha yeah it is hard since I will be only doing 24 pieces. So I will try to do more rawr.

And hopefully, I will create an OC for drawing haha, well, because I got inspired by some really cute drawings which I would feature next time in my blog posts. And yeah, I will try to transform this blog with pictures! By me or not hahaz.

-= Huagang =-

Well, time to brainwash myself to go back in the mood for serving this lovely community. This ain't some council which I will love doing work for at times. Why? Because it degenerated after Secondary One. To be frank, Huagang is facing like HOW MANY fundamental problems. Because of certain people, including me, seems like since I stepped up to solve them, I should.

Huagang is in shambles right now. Definitely not the thing I want to work for. ExCo's screwed, our batch is screwed, and so are the juniors. So well, let's clear this idiotic factory of problems and create a good start for the juniors.

To summarize, revamp the whole huagang. MY WAY. I realize it is seriously GG if I follow my seniors, the reason is simple. Times change, the way we view things are different. Advices are good. But sometimes, some things must be ignored. Because their way of doing things are unappealing to like 90% of the people.

Meaning, there is no need to do a reform or shit. It's just time to strike lightning and sound thunders into it. Time to reborn huagang tsk.

-= 4S4=-

Yay, let's continue to have fun! And well, don't slack this year! That's all, and don't be that much of a sucker anymore haha. Joshua Ng and Yeo, watch out, I am gonna kick your asses this year. Shen Yang and Slau, let's mug together wahaha. Yeap, that's all.

Yong Jian, let's go for VBC. Eh who were the rest of the people, Shen Yang and who?


F***, I shall design an awesome website this year that my computer wouldn't crash. And get our bloody project an A*. Perry, let's go! Though you won't be reading this HAH!

-= Friends=-

People like Joseph, Zhi Rong, Ting Jun, Jia Jian, Timothy Long, Pang Shiang, Wei Jian, Li Chuan, Zhi Ying etc etc, let's hope we don't lose contact. Let's keep in touch. For my current mateys, let's enjoy 2010 fully.

-= Me, me and me=-

Haha, basically be more focused.
And don't be a slacker anymore.
Sleep earlier during school days!
Don't game anymore.
Keep drawing, draw my life.
And time to train my arms.
And yeah, improve my personality.
Don't be a hypocrite.

Lastly, be myself, and complete the above tasks. That is all.

I will blog more about my 2nd blogskin today later I guess.

My World
Wants to imagine, wants to dream...
and to turn them into reality

That is why, Velleity
My Dreams
Happy, Fun, and living life to the fullest...
My family, my friends, my life. 华岗

ShoutMix chat widget

Shen Yang
Yuan Zhi
Zong Chen
Shuang Xing
Jun Hao
Yi Bin
Yuan Xin


Xin Rui
Cheng Jun
Han Cheng
John Lim
Ting Jun
Long Jian
Xue Zheng
Shien Yang
Zhi Hao
Ding Han


Jia Jian
Zhi Ying
Wei Ren
Yin Hui
Yee Xing


Si Ting
Yun Zhu
'December 2009'
'January 2010'
'February 2010'
'March 2010'
'April 2010'
'May 2010'
design: © moonlitez 2010 aka Han Yang
brushes: skin: moonlitez
brushes: Scully7491   |   Aethereality  |   Sugargrl14
stock: Markopolio   |   Della